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PDF Converter - Convert file v228 [Android]
Новость от: Mansory1
Просмотров: 560
PDF Converter (doc ppt xls txt word png jpg wps..) - это конвертер документов, который позволяет преобразовывать файлы в другие расширения: конвертировать PDF в DOC, TXT, PPT, WORD, JPG, PNG, XLS и многое другое. PDF Converter (doc ppt xls ...) также является PDF-ридером и PDF-редактором. Выберите расширение, выберите выходной формат и конвертируйте любой документ, идеально подходящий для создания презентаций PowerPoint и PDF-заданий.

PDF Converter (doc ppt xls txt word png jpg wps..) is a document converter that allows you to transform files to other extensions: convert PDF to DOC, TXT, PPT, WORD, JPG, PNG, XLS and many more. PDF Converter (doc ppt xls ...) is also a PDF Reader and a PDF Editor. Choose the extension, choose an output format and convert any document, perfect for creating Power Point presentations and PDF jobs.

PDF Converter (doc ppt xls txt word png jpg wps..) - PDF Reader & PDF Editor:

- PDF Converter makes the following conversions:
Word to PDF, Word to TXT, PowerPoint to PDF, PPT to TXT, PDF to Doc, PDF to PowerPoint, PDF to XLS, PDF to TXT, XLS to PDF, XLS to TXT, TXT to PDF, TXT to Word, JPG To PDF, JPG to PNG, JPG to PPT, PNG to PDF, PNG to PPT, PNG to JPG, PDF to JPG, PDF to PNG PPT to JPG, PPT to PNG

- PDF Reader, PDF Creator and PDF Editor
Use the built-in PDF Reader document viewer or any other document viewer you already have installed. Modify your files with the connection to Scanner App and its PDF editor. Creating PDF to your measure and sharing them in the format that you want, is now a reality.

- Document scanner
Scan documents with the help of Camera Scanner App, which connects directly to the document converter, shares your files from the scanner and converts them to any format.

- Text recognition and document translator
Use the direct function to share your documents with the Camera Translator Scanner application, in this way you can recognize the text of the documents or translate the text to any language in the world. More than 100 languages ​​compatible with the translator function.

- Ideal for working
It scans, copies, translates and converts any photo, image, table or graph of Excel. It also modifies and converts your photos and changes the extension to the desired format, sends the finished documents directly from the file converter.

- Share your files with other tools and applications
Share the documents you've converted with any other messaging, mail or social network application. Link your works with Camera Scanner and Camera Translator and finish completing the application with the best tools.

- Resource Optimization
. Optimization of the application allows you to save battery and resources during the process of converting documents into different formats. Make conversions in the background and receive notifications when conversion is complete.

- Supported formats:
PDF Converter is able to work with the following formats: PDF, DOC, TXT, PPT, XLS, PNG, JPG, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX

With the PDF Editor feature you can edit the paged of your PDF you previously converted from doc file or any file. The process of converting documents to other formats, creating PDF files, transforming files and making new documents in other formats is easy and fast. Convert several kind of files, convert DOC to PDF, convert PDF to DOC, PDF to JPG, JPG to PDF and more combinations are possible thanks to this PDF Converter, file converter and image converter. Finish your office jobs with fast conversions.

Требования | Requirements: Android 5.0 and up
Язык | Lang: English
Официальный Сайт | Homepage: Google play
Размер | Size: 35 MB

PDF Converter - Convert file v228 [Android] - PRO features unlocked

Зеркало/Mirror - Up-load.io

Зеркало/Mirror - Oxy.cloud

Зеркало/Mirror - TurboBit.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Мобила | 17.10.22 | 00:26

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