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Squid - Take Notes & Markup PDFs v4.0.8-GP [Android]
Новость от: Mansory1
Просмотров: 511
Оставляйте рукописные заметки естественным образом на планшете или телефоне Android! В приложении Squid вы можете писать словно на бумаге с помощью активного пера, пассивного стилуса или пальца. С легкостью размечайте файлы PDF для заполнения форм, редактирования/рецензирования или подписывания документов. Импортируйте изображения, рисуйте фигуры и добавляйте к своим заметкам печатный текст. Быстро выбирайте, копируйте и вставляйте, перемещайте контент между страницами и заметками. Группируйте свои заметки по блокнотам и повышайте производительность!

Leave handwritten notes naturally on your Android tablet or phone! In the Squid app, you can write as if on paper using an active pen, a passive stylus, or a finger. Easily mark up PDF files for filling out forms, editing / reviewing, or signing documents. Import images, draw shapes, and add printed text to your notes. Quickly select, copy and paste, and move content between pages and notes. Group your notes into notebooks and improve your productivity!

Key Features
• Take notes naturally with a pen and erase with your finger on active pen enabled devices (e.g. Galaxy Note devices with S Pen)
• Take notes with your finger or passive stylus on non-active pen devices (e.g. Nexus 7)
• Vector graphics engine
• Multiple paper types (e.g. blank, ruled, graph) and sizes (e.g. infinite, letter, A4)
• Undo/redo, select, move, and resize
• Change the color and weight of selected items
• Cut, copy, and paste items between notes
• Two finger scroll and pinch-to-zoom
• Two finger double tap to quickly jump to a specific zoom level
• Organize notes within notebooks
• Sort notes and notebooks
• Import, crop, and resize images
• Export notes to PDF, PNG, or JPEG for printing, archiving, or sharing
• Share notes with friends and colleagues via email, Evernote, etc.
• Multi-Window support
• Shortcuts to create a new note or open a notebook
• Present notes on a secondary display via HDMI, Chromecast, etc. (Android 4.2+)

Squid Premium
• Create notes and pages with premium backgrounds (math, engineering, music, sports, etc.)
• Import PDFs and mark them up like any other note
• Express yourself with additional tools (highlighter, “true” eraser, shapes, text)
• Backup/restore and bulk export notes as PDFs to cloud storage providers Dropbox and Box

Требования | Requirements: Android 5.0 and up
Язык | Lang: English / Multilingual / Русский
Официальный Сайт | Homepage: Google Play
Размер | Size: 18.9 MB

Squid - Take Notes & Markup PDFs v4.0.8-GP [Android] - Premium version

Зеркало/Mirror - Up-load.io

Зеркало/Mirror - Oxy.cloud

Зеркало/Mirror - Fikper.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Мобила | 26.12.22 | 20:08

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