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DeskSoft CheckMail 5.0.5
Новость от: Dima555
Просмотров: 2931
CheckMail - новая версия программы для проверки электронной почты, которая уведомляет о получении нового сообщения. Помимо этого, CheckMail позволяет просматривать сообщения перед загрузкой на компьютер, удалять нежелательные письма или отвечать на существующие непосредственно с сервера. Программа также поддерживает несколько учетных записей электронной почты, сортировку и фильтрацию писем и может использоваться в качестве SMTP-сервера.
CheckMail is a powerful POP3 email checking program, which notifies you when you have received new email. It allows you to check all your email accounts for new messages and preview or delete them before downloading to your computer. CheckMail saves time and money by allowing you to delete unwanted or large emails directly from the server without downloading them and you can even compose and send new emails directly with CheckMail, or reply to or forward existing ones. It supports custom notifications, multiple email accounts, sorting and filtering and much more. It is absolutely immune to viruses and other harmful email content, because it will never start any attachments, scripts, programs, etc. For home offices or small businesses, CheckMail can act as a server by collecting and sending emails for many users. CheckMail is ideal for computers with permanent internet connection, because it can check for new emails at regular intervals. If you connect to the internet manually, CheckMail will ask you to connect whenever you want to check for new emails. Key Features: • Unlimited number of POP3 email accounts • SSL support (e.g. for Gmail and other SSL enabled servers) • Supports replying, forwarding and sending new emails • Can act as a POP3 server by collecting emails of many accounts and storing them locally • Can act as an SMTP server by collecting all emails of a local network and sending them on schedule • Can be used as a complete mail server for local and remote accounts • Custom notifications for different emails/accounts/groups/etc. • Powerful sorting options for filtering spam • Absolutely immune to viruses and other harmful email content, because it will never start any attachments, scripts, programs, etc. • Many options for full customization • and much more... System requirements: • Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista Changes in Version 5.0.5(12.12.08) - Fix: changes in the setup routine - Fix: various small internal improvements and bug fixes Официальный сайт | Home Page - www.desksoft.com Размер: 605 КБ Страница загрузки/Download - RapidShare Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net DeskSoft.CheckMail.5.0.5.Incl.Patch-Dima555
Раздел: Релизы | 13.12.08 | 17:44
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