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NTWind Software WinSnap 3.0.1 Beta
Новость от: Dima555
Просмотров: 3029
NTWind Software WinSnap - программа с понятным интерфейсом для съемки скриншотов с несколькими режимами: снимает полный экран; снимает активное окно; снимает окна, принадлежащие какой-либо программе; снимает выделенную область. Возможно применение различных эффектов: вставка "подписи" (т.е. watermark в виде графического файла), контур, тень, поворот, масштабирование, коррекция цвета.

NTWind Software WinSnap is a small enhancement utility for taking and editing screenshots. Standard features include easy capture of non-rectangular windows with customized and transparent backgrounds, simple and automatic canvas transformations, coloring effects, and the addition of eye-candy drop shadows. WinSnap supports a variety of image formats and has advanced auto-save features.

Here are some key features of "WinSnap":
- Flexible screen capture capabilities
- Smoothing shadow effect in Photoshop style
- Powerful image processing and basic canvas transformations
- Support of various image formats and advanced auto-save options
- Easy Web publishing and E-Mail sending
- Multilingual user interface (Unicode based)
- Easy makes screenshots of windows with rounded corners
- WinSnap saves info about window form and adds real smoothing shadows.
- Alpha-Channel and PNG/TIFF transparency are supported.
- Unique "Application" capture mode allows you to capture all visible windows of the foreground application with one click.
- Unique "Multi-Object" capture mode allows you to select multiple windows on the screen and easy combine them into one screenshot.
- Basic coloring effects and canvas transformations.
- Advanced auto-save and auto-copy options.
- Configurable External Tools menu to open image editors and optimizers.
- Usual keyboard and mouse control (Print Screen replacement).
- Make all this work with one 100-kb application - smaller than Paint!

Changes in Version 3.0.1 beta (December 16, 2008)
• New clean and simple user interface
• Reflection image effect (supports transparency)
• Ability to clear window transparency under Vista
• "New Snapshot" hotkey (Print Screen, by default)
• Right-click menu: "Open File Location", "Copy Full Path"
• Some default options were changed
• Many other minor improvements

Официальный сайт | Home Page - www.ntwind.com

Размер: 417 КБ

Страница загрузки/Download - RapidShare

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net


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Раздел: Релизы | 16.12.08 | 21:04

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
maksimog 16.12.08 | 21:13:24

Mirror! Work!
avus 16.12.08 | 21:20:11

Fast mirror
Junn 16.12.08 | 21:59:34

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