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Capture Text solution v5.5
Новость от: Dima555
Просмотров: 4498
Capture Text позволяет вам выделить текст в любом месте экрана, включая области, которые вы не можете выделить с помощью мыши, такие как столбцы данных в программе редактирования текстов или сообщение об ошибке любой программы. Capture Text использует технологию оптического распознавания символов (OCR), позволяющую захватывать текст в любом месте экрана, включая выборки по базам данных, формы и отчеты, сообщения об ошибках, окна диалогов, строки состояния, деревья папок и списки файлов. Capture Text следит за всеми шрифтами Windows, даже за мелкими шрифтами с засечками, такими как Times 8 и MS Serif 8, и понимает текст со всех областей вашего экрана. Программа распознает подчеркнутый текст (включая адреса интернет и адреса электронной почты), а также строки текста, содержащие различные шрифты, размеры, начертания и цвета. Она может поместить захваченный текст в буфер обмена в виде обычного неформатированного текста или в формате RTF. Вы можете скопировать и вставить текст в любую программу редактирования текста, подсчитать сумму чисел в столбце скопированных данных, количество слов и символов, выделенных вами, и узнать свойства шрифта на вашем экране: гарнитуру шрифта, его размеры и цвет (RGB).

Capture Text is a full-featured text recognition software (screen capture solution). It was designed specifically to meet the demands of those who works with large amount of texts and prizes their time to spend it on endless typing. How often were you in the situation when you needed to save some data but wasn't able to do it because words or figures were protected by some script of just cannot be copied? Well, here's the tool that will help you to avoid all these problems and settle them once and for all.
Capture Text recognizes any text that displayed on the screen and saves it to clipboard, so you can work with it.

How it works?
• After downloading the program, double-click on the icon and follow the instructions on the screen. Screen capture program will install itself under "Capture Text" menu in your Programs folder.
• When you launch the program for the first time Capture Text scans your Windows font directory and builds font database that allows Capture Text to work properly.
• Character Recognizer interacts with your document processing software (Word, WordPad, etc.) and converts the captured text or graphic image to content that can be recognized as text within the document processing software.
• You don't need to type the text you see on the screen - just select it with the mouse and it will be copied to the clipboard. You can paste it into any document using any type of word processor.
• Capture Text (an advanced screen grabber) recognizes letters, punctuation, and numbers. If you select graphics it translates it as letters and punctuation.
• The software is capable to capture and recognize URLs as well as the scanned blocks of text - no need to use conventional expensive OCR programs, let Capture Text do the work for you.

Now it's simple !
• The main feature of the Capture Text is that being a screen capture program, it can recognize and save any text that otherwise cannot be saved or printed. That makes Capture Text a highly valuable tool.
• In other words Capture Text can copy everything that resembles text in any form. You can forget about copy-protected texts or any data - Capture Text will copy and save it for you.
• You can select the text by the following methods: draw rectangular line and thus select the text that's in it; select the whole visible display area (window select); select the text/graphics while scrolling the window; using the "smart" method - i.e. draw your mouse cursor along the line or select all the text in PDF document using the command. Then you have to choose the "copy" command and text will be saved to clipboard.
• Capture Text has a user-friendly and intuitive interface. You don't have to be a novice or a master - it is simple enough.

• Capture Screen Text Recognizes text in any type of document (HTML, Word, Notepad, PDF, BMP or JPG image) or in any part of the screen and saves it to clipboard.
• Capture Screen Text Recognizes texts that cannot be saved or printed
• Screen Capture Text Recognizes texts in any language that cannot be saved or printed
• Screen Capture Text Recognizes "hidden" text ignoring blocking scripts on Internet pages
• Text Screen Screen Reads selected text in documents, emails or Internet pages.
• Screen Text Capture Works with virtually any proportional and fixed typeface
• Screen Text Capture Properly works with character sizes 6 to 72 point
• Capture Text on Screen Works with all American and European character sets, including the Central-European and Cyrillic
• Capture Text on Screen Selects the text with rectangular selection tool, window selection, scrolling window selection or graphic selection
• Capture Text on Screen Built-in spellchecker
• Capture Text on Screen Fully integrates with word processing tools

Официальный сайт | Home Page - www.capturetext.com

Размер: 4,08 МБ

Страница загрузки/Download - RapidShare

Зеркало/Mirror - DepositFiles

Зеркало/Mirror - Easy-Share

Зеркало/Mirror - UploadBox

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net


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Раздел: Релизы | 27.05.09 | 17:35

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Dima555 27.05.09 | 17:39:50

На оф сайте написано про версию 5.7. В "О программе" 5.5. Кто найдёт 5.7 ссылочку дайте.
maycho 27.05.09 | 19:11:51

artinusa 28.05.09 | 04:19:53

thank you for this neat share..
kopimaster 28.05.09 | 05:48:35

Mirror 4,08 Mb: http://flyfile.us/ec4vi1t7m...
Regulus 28.05.09 | 10:24:58

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