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Feather Brushes
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 05.02.07 | 21:18
Tag Brushes
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 25.01.07 | 19:22
Far Eastern Brush Pack
Новость от: Fizzer

13 Far Eastern Brushes, mainly calligraphy

Раздел: Photoshop | 23.01.07 | 21:20
Destiny Brush Set for PhotoShop
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 13.01.07 | 21:29
Music Brushes
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 09.01.07 | 20:40
Knights Brushes Photoshop CS+
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 05.01.07 | 22:22
Decorative Elements: Photoshop Brush
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 04.01.07 | 15:39
Egypt Art Brush Pack for PhotoShop
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 02.01.07 | 19:55
Puzzle Brushes for Adobe Photoshop
Новость от: Fizzer

Puzzle Brushes | Size: 240 KB

Раздел: Photoshop | 25.12.06 | 21:02
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

Snowflakes & New Year Brushes | 1.1 MB

Раздел: Photoshop | 21.12.06 | 19:49
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop ReUploaded
Новость от: karma

Immortality / Marmalade / MorbidReveries / Nattetimen / Ode to the muse

Раздел: Photoshop | 12.12.06 | 06:59
Demonic Brushes
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 10.12.06 | 19:44
Adobe CS AIO by Dr. Freeze
Новость от: slam
Подборка отличных кисточек, шрифтов от Dr. Freeze.

Adobe CS AIO by Dr. Freeze

AIO with good burshes , Graffiti fonts (including ones from that 100$ Graffiti font Ver 2 cd) patterns and more.
Раздел: Photoshop | 09.12.06 | 14:50
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

Falln Brushes: Spider Brushes, Spider Web Brushes, Hand Prints, Veil Brushes, Feathers Brushes

Раздел: Photoshop | 04.12.06 | 11:09
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

4 Brush Sets | 3.9 MB

Раздел: Photoshop | 02.12.06 | 22:13
Brushes Set / Кисти для Photoshop
Новость от: Fizzer

9 Brush Sets for Adobe Photoshop

Раздел: Photoshop | 30.11.06 | 21:43
Brushes Set
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 27.11.06 | 21:15
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

Glamour Ladies Brushes | 2.3 MB

Раздел: Photoshop | 25.11.06 | 12:12
Graphic Resource Packs by AWCADDET
Новость от: slam
Неплохая подборка для Adobe Photoshop, состоящая из 1337 кисточек, текстурных заливок, шрифтов, стилей.

Graphic Resource Packs by AWCADDET

Good stuff for Adobe Photoshop containing 1337 brushes, patterns, fonts, styles.
Раздел: Photoshop | 24.11.06 | 14:35
Imagenomic Portraiture v1.0 Build 1008 for Photoshop
Новость от: slam
Модуль Portraiture Plug-in позволит избежать трудоемкой процедуры попиксельного ретуширования снимка с целью удаления дефектов изображения. Благодаря реализованной в приложении технологии интеллектуального сглаживания, фотолюбители смогут бесследно удалять дефекты, не затрагивая мельчайших деталей изображения, включая текстуру кожи, волосы, брови, ресницы и др. А превосходные средства настройки изображения помогут отрегулировать яркость, контрастность и цветовую насыщенность фотоснимка. Приложение поддерживает как 8-битные, так и 16-битные изображения и может похвастаться совместимостью с продуктами Adobe Photoshop (7.0/CS/CS2) и Elements (2/3/4.0).


There are many books, articles and web based tutorials on the art of retouching the human skin. In general, most of these deal with the concept that skin colors all fall within a given range based on the race of the subject. While this is a generalized concept, it is difficult to apply this idea to skin retouching in a realistic manner. Using such concepts and applying the normal tools available to us in our digital editing programs, we tend to get widely varying results even among supposedly similar images. In our development of the Portraiture plugin, we've discovered quite a few unique things about the composition and digital portrayal of human skin. We've done this through careful, nitpicking analysis of thousands of images shot in various lighting scenarios as well as by actually taking skin color samples with specific hardware. We've found that there is a vastly varying tonality to the human skin, even within the range of one person's body. Figure 1 below shows such a sampled variation and also goes to prove that even though there aren't really big differences in the RGB values of each patch, our eyes can perceive a lot of variation due to the lightness and darkness of each patch, and not just the actual color.
Раздел: Photoshop | 21.11.06 | 01:53
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

Clouds / Grass / Branches&Foliage / Tranquility | 10.0 MB

Раздел: Photoshop | 18.11.06 | 07:00
Кисти для Photoshop / Brushes for Photoshop
Новость от: karma

Cruiza2 - dbset09 - MagicTails - Butterfly | 5.5 MB

Раздел: Photoshop | 17.11.06 | 15:19
Photoshop Brushes / Кисти для Photoshop
Новость от: Fizzer

Fractal Brushes Set
Hair Brushes III
My Vintage Valentine. Brushes Set
Grass Brushes
Larafairie-stock : Eye Brushes
Necromonicon Brushes
Japanese brushes

Раздел: Photoshop | 16.11.06 | 14:30
Photoshop Brushes: Visualization
Новость от: Fizzer

Раздел: Photoshop | 15.11.06 | 19:38
TextArt PS Plugin ReUploaded
Новость от: karma
TextArt PS Plugin для Paint Shop Pro®, Adobe PhotoShop®, Corel PhotoPaint...
Создайте и настройте сотни специальных эффектов текста для захватывающих заголовков, баннеров и логотипов в одно мгновение.

TextArt PS Plugin for any Windows based imaging program which supports Adobe compatible plugins. For example: Paint Shop Pro®, Adobe PhotoShop®, Corel PhotoPaint. Create and customise hundreds of special text effects for spectacular headlines, banners and logos in an instant. Includes effects such as: Chrome, bricks, marble, fire, wood, steel, sketched, monitor, ghost, glass, racer and many more.

Раздел: Photoshop | 31.10.06 | 22:40
Новостей на странице: 25
| 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | [36] | 37 |
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Здесь может быть Ваша реклама
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