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Building Websites with Dreamweaver 8, Digital Tutors video training
Новость от: slam
Просмотров: 2844
Begin building standards-based websites in 3 hours of project-based training.
Perfect for beginner to intermediate users.
Check out the website you will build in this training kit: dt-webdesign.com.
"Building Websites With Macromedia Dreamweaver 8" utilizes over 3 hours of time-saving tips and lessons, guiding you step-by-step through the industry’s leading web development tool. Popular topics covered in "Building Websites With Macromedia Dreamweaver 8" include: a thorough understanding and overview of the newest features in Dreamweaver 8, building your first website, defining site and FTP settings, uploading files to the server and working with remote views, designing with tables, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), library elements, modifying behaviors, swap Image effects, pop-up windows, binding XML data, Flash/Fireworks round trip process, custom templates, integrating Flash and video, design notes, reports, CGI scripts, and several additional topics designed to boost your creativity while allowing you to easily build websites using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.


1. Introduction and project overview 0:55
2. Building your first web page 8:45
3. Defining the Site and FTP settings 7:38
4. Uploading files to the server and working with remote views 8:57
5. Working with tables 9:36
6. Adding color to nested cells 4:21
7. Building the page header and using Code / Design views 5:24
8. Getting started with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 5:00
9. Creating External CSS 4:41
10. Using CSS to change HTML Tags 7:08
11. Creating Float Styles and DIV Tags 6:33
12. Using CSS to apply rollover effects to text, exploring hyperlink styles 6:54
13. Creating library elements 6:40
14. Adding the header graphics and editing library elements 7:49
15. Adding and formatting content for the main page 6:01
16. Formatting page content using tables 7:34
17. Resizing and resampling images, using macro commands and rollover effects 9:36
18. Modifying behaviors 2:29
19. Creating a gallery page with rollovers and Swap Image effects 5:00
20. Adding Flash Video and building pop-up windows 8:33
21. Creating a Contact Us page and building a form 11:18
22. Connecting the Contact Us Form to a CGI script 6:30
23. Binding XML data to your web pages 11:49
24. Flash Fireworks round trip process 4:43
25. Creating pages with custom templates 8:56
26. Tips / Tricks: Working with library elements and flash text 3:59
27. Tips / Tricks: Working with Flash Buttons 1:31
28. Tips / Tricks: Using Design notes 2:59
29. Tips / Tricks: Using Reports 2:31
30. Tips / Tricks: Using layout images 3:55
31. Tips / Tricks: $10 off of your hosting package 1:43
32. Tips / Tricks: Guides Zoom settings, closing 3:12

Home Page

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Thx to BB3D, crarar for news!

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Раздел: Разное | 29.09.06 | 21:12

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
slam 29.09.06 | 22:58:13

Кста, классная штука, у кого с англ. хорошо biggrin

Немного послушав, понимаешь, что человек очень дотошно рассказывает как с помощью проги создаватать сайты. Как для домохозяек или детей...чесслово. smile (не в обиду первых было сказано)
teobchi 30.09.06 | 02:44:23

biggrin biggrin biggrin
Mulan2007 17.06.07 | 18:03:41

Жалко ссылка уже умерла sad
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