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GitKraken Client On-Premise Serverless 9.13.0
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 227
GitKraken предлагает недорогие локальные решения для инженерных групп в правительстве, обороне, здравоохранении, образовании, банковском деле и других чувствительных секторах.

GitKraken offers inexpensive on-premise solutions for engineering teams in government, defense, healthcare, education, banking and other sensitive sectors.

World-Class Developer Productivity – with Even Greater Security
GitKraken Client is designed to meet the needs of millions of developers with its intuitive GUI, powerful terminal, and all the features you’d expect from the world’s most popular Git client. But in addition to helping your engineers be more productive, GitKraken Client On-Premise also enables organizations in highly regulated industries to maintain unparalleled security in their license management and distribution. We offer GitKraken Client On-Premise solutions with a self-hosted license server, or a serverless alternative with license keys.

Enterprise-Grade Integrations and Support – at Inexpensive Prices
Mature engineering organizations choose GitKraken Client because we provide more than just best-in-class Git tools to improve developer experience. We also help customers with everything they need to be successful, from Git education, courses and certifications, as well as a rich Help Center full of product training and support resources.
GitKraken Client On-Premise also has deep integrations with secure hosting services such as GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Self-Managed, Bitbucket Server, and Azure DevOps along with support for Jira Server for issue tracking.

GitKraken Client On-Premise License Management Options
Self-Hosted Server version: This is the recommended installed version of GitKraken Client On-Premise, as it allows users to login without leaving your internal network. Self-Hosted Server includes a license server, with LDAP support for user management. This version enables organizations to deploy software to their users, and control the version upgrade schedule.
Serverless version: Alternatively, we also offer a serverless version for those organizations who can’t – or don’t want to – stand up their own license server. While no license server is required, this option does require manual license tracking & management by the organization, as well as yearly discussions with GitKraken about usage.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.gitkraken.com/git-client/on-premise
Размер | Size: 289.3 MB


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Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 05.05.24 | 10:40

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