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3D Object Converter v4.40
Новость от: Dima555
Просмотров: 3668
Конвертер/просмотрщик большинства 3D форматов файлов с возможностью пакетной конвертации. Поддерживается работа с 543 форматами файлов. В программе реализовано несколько режимов просмотра: только скелет модели, "плоская" раскраска, раскраска объекта по методу Гора с наложением материалов.

This page is the official homepage for 3D Object Converter, a powerful 3d model translation and interactive viewing shareware tool that allows arbitrary 3d model data to be imported from external sources, exported to various industry standard 3d file formats with great accuracy and quality. The program supports 543 file formats. It is available for Windows95/98/Me/NT/2K/2003/XP 32/XP 64/Vista 32/Vista 64/Windows 7 32/Windows7 64.

- Automated installation utility.
- Automatic file format recognition.
- Automatic polygon checking and repairing function during (scene) loading.
- Automatic self-checking function on every startup against virus infection.
- Batch converter module.
- Color wireframe / flat shaded / gouraud shaded / vertex color shaded / textured rendering mode.
- Drag and Drop support (to load object).
- Fast import and export process.
- Fully dynamic memory allocation, so the program only uses as much memory as it needs.
- FullScreen OpenGL rendered interactive object viewer with mouse wheel support.
- Material per polygon support.
- Material editor.
- Multiplatform ASCII file loader technology.
- No DLL requisite.
- Options /for general, view, colors, import, export/ (CTRL-O).
- Portable application.
- Storing and processing the vertices as double precision.
- Storing and processing the faces as n-sided polygons.

Functions / Tools:
- Auto Rotate (CTRL-R).
- Calculate Areas and Volumes.
- Delete UV Maps.
- Display the scene Area and Volume values on the toolbar (option).
- Flip UV Map Vertically (CTRL-U).
- Geometry transformation.
- Internet WEB update (proxy support for v4.40 or above, but requires WEB update v1.10 or above).
- Invert Face Orientation (CTRL-I).
- Quick Material Information.
- Quick Object Information.
- Quick Polygon Statistics.
- Quick Scene Information.
- Quick Polygon Statistics.
- Send OpenGL Bitmap To Clipboard (CTRL-C).
- Unwrap UV.

Официальный сайт | Home Page - web.t-online.hu

Размер: 1,95 МБ

Страница загрузки/Download - RapidShare

Зеркало/Mirror - DepositFiles

Зеркало/Mirror - Easy-Share

Зеркало/Mirror - Up-File

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.net

3D Object Converter v4.40.Incl.Loader

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Раздел: Релизы | 26.03.09 | 14:38

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
febr 26.03.09 | 14:58:22

studio308 10.04.09 | 00:40:25

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